Sunday 27 June 2021

Feature of Multimedia

 1. Text - Text might be easily neglected as a multimedia option, yet it is still the most essential element and most effective means to communicate through multimedia. Text is utilized in the form of headlines, subtitles, and slogans. Its goal is to express specific information or to reinforce information conveyed through other media. It entails the use of various font kinds, sizes, colors, and backgrounds. For example, you may select a typeface, as well as its size and color, to establish a tone or project an image, or you can select the backdrop color to convey a specific mood.

2. Sound - In the context of multimedia systems, a framework for writing non-speech sound objects is suggested. The objective is to create unique noises and dynamic behaviors that convey dynamic and multidimensional information. A three-layer abstraction approach is used to create sounds: a physically based definition of sound identity, a signal-based description of sound quality, and a perception- and geometry-based description of sound projection in space.

3. Graphics -  Because people are visually oriented, graphics are a crucial component of multimedia. Graphics include images such as pictures, illustrations, sketches, clip art, icons, and any other non-text components on a website or in social media. There is no movement in these photographs. Text is often accompanied by still/static images to highlight the point or thoughts made in the text. Photos in a multimedia application are used for more than simply aesthetics. In a multimedia environment, graphics might take the form of slide presentations or galleries that visitors to a website or social media platform can see. They may be clickable, allowing the viewer to navigate to another element, such as music or video. Graphics may be used in a wide range of multimedia applications, facilitating communication through appealing visual effects.

4. Animation - Animated components are often used in multimedia applications. An animation is a series of pictures that are stitched together to create the illusion of movement. Digital animation in 2D and 3D is utilized in multimedia. Movement, rather than simply watching a still image, is particularly effective for demonstrating topics involving movement. Animation is used to provide visual appeal to a page or to draw attention to essential information or connections. It may be used to demonstrate how things function or to deliver information in an amusing manner. Interactive effects, which allow visitors to interact with the animation action using their mouse and keyboard, can also be included in animation. Animation is a dynamic and media-rich kind of information that stays within a single container on a website a particularly effective method of communication.

5. Video - Video is a type of visual multimedia application that mixes a series of images to create moving visuals and sound. Video may have a very distinct and strong influence on websites and social media platforms. You may let the world know that your firm exists, spread the word about it, attract attention to show your visitors how to accomplish something, display a new product, develop brand recognition, or even advertise a forthcoming event.


Delivery of Multimedia

  Multimedia courses can be provided in a variety of formats, including standalone CD-ROMs. With the rapid growth of the Internet and its ca...